Do you ever wonder why your life feels so restless? Do you ever feel like there is too much weight on your shoulders at times? Are you always in search of that special something to fill in that void in your soul? Do you have the need to search for that eternal peace? Most people do and the reason may very well be in your definition of what satisfies you in life. Most people always are in pursuit of this inevitable peace and are chasing it like their shadow. The thing is that the more you chase after IT, the more IT will evade you. When you let IT come to you, you will then attain this feeling of serenity and peace.
One simple way to start your life with attaining this peace is to be grateful of who and what you have in life. Most people follow "The More, The Better" motto which inevitably prepares them for ruin. Men want more women because they feel that will make them happy therefore attain peace. Women want that perfect "Ryan Gosling" man because they feel that will make them happy and attain peace. People who follow jobs for the sake of money will never be pleased and grateful of what they have and will have an undying hunger for more material wealth. Socially-attached people will want more and more friends and social life because they feel that will satisfy them. I am not saying that these things are bad, its just when you apply "The More, The Better" motto to these forms of satisfaction, you will never be grateful for what/who you have and you will always think "Can I do better? Can I have more? Is what I have enough?" and it can have you chasing after your own shadow yet you will never be able to catch it. However, if you attain a certain level of gratitude to what has been given to you, everything will slowly fall into place and that very shadow will stay with you.
When you have time to yourself, this is the perfect opportunity to work on your inner peace. Peace is attained when there are no external forces at hand throwing you off and so what better time to do this than when you have time to yourself. Focus on things that are important to you such as your life goals, calming any anxiety or stress and working on being happy with who you are as person so you present yourself as an amicable and genuinely joyful person. Your should have at least 3-5 short term goals (several days to weeks), 2-3 mid-term goals (several weeks to months) and at least 1 long term goal (annual). Meditation and listening to relaxing music can help to calm nerves as well as exercise or reading a book. The above in unison are strong contributors to promote a more happier and peaceful person.
Most people fall into two categories: pessimists and optimists. There is a third category that few people fall into and that is the realists. The way I see it, pessimists see the glass half empty, optimists see the glass half full and the realists see they need water and so they fill the glass up. Realists recognize there is a problem at hand, look at the things that can help them solve the problem and then they go ahead to solve it! They are the more balanced folk that do not sugar coat problems but they are willing to make things work for the better. With this frame of mind, they are in tune with who they are in regards to strengths and weaknesses and address the issue through a systematic method by not putting themselves up to failure. They can recognize failure and will try to prevent it if possible. Since they think this way, they are always at a state of peace and focus. They are confident in their knowledge of what they are able and not able to do.
The above are three general suggestions of attaining peace. They are not necessarily things that can be attained overnight, but they are part of the journey of reaching that state of mind. They take time and you may fall a few times, but the most important thing to remember is to keep consistent and know where you see yourself with this journey of life. Everyone's way of attaining peace is different and so you need to find your own way. And if you find yourself lost and weak, just remember, why did you want to attain peace in the first place?
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